Tuesday 27 December 2016

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Improve Blogging Productivity With the Help of Character Count Tool

Character count tool to know how many words in a document. It helps you to write a effective blog. For more details visit http://www.wordcount.online/

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Tips For Effective Blog Posting

Here some tips for how to write a blog. In letter count its easy to write a blog, its shows the counting of words and character.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

What Are The Qualities Of Good Writer? - Wordcount

Every writers has a Dream to become a Good Quality Writer, but they fail to create good quality content in their blog. Use of online word count tool helps to every writer to create content.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Step By Step Writing An Article

According to the professional, the most successful articles have strong finishes, where the conclusion is one of the most powerful components of the article. Character count tool helps to create quality content as well as maintain the character count limitations.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Tips To Promote Your Blog Post - Wordcount

With the help of wordcount, writer can create convincing content for blog, but most of the blogger have a big question, that how to promote blog as well as how to increase readers for blog post.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Ideal Character Count Limits on Different Portals

One of the most common question arises in front of all writers, what is the ideal character count limits for blog posts, various social media sites and how it can be resolved with the help of character count tool.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Ways to Create Content More Readable - Word Count Online

Applying strategies for using tools like word count tool, character count tool, letter count tool, etc. and efforts to write an attractive article, the readers can pick them out easily at a glance. This is one of the most effective ways to increase the value of letter count in your blogs.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Tips To Create Great Product Description - Word Count Online

Product descriptions can make or break a sale. While they can be easy to overlook, choosing the right set of words with the help of word count online tool can compel even the most skeptical of customers to make a purchase.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Effective Proofreading Tips For Attractive Article

Online word count helps you to proofread your article with keyword density, character count, word count, spelling mistakes, etc. effectively.

Thursday 22 September 2016

Character Count Tool Useful To Post in Different Platerform

Certain platforms such as Twitter has a pre-defined character count limit for posts, which cannot be exceeded. Yet, even for those which don't have any, limiting the length to a certain size increases the effectiveness of the post.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Make an Interactive Article With The Help of Online Word Count Tool

Online Word Count tool using for complete analysis of your articles including grammatical errors, character count and reading level. You can make audience engage in blogs, eBooks, webinars, report, podcasts, infographics, etc. Focus on Trendy forms of content writing for promoting interactive content, it helps to boosting website ranking.

Monday 22 August 2016

Improve Blogging Productivity

Blogging is a vital part of the online content marketing strategy. The proper content strategy helps to drive traffic to your website and thereby increases SEO/SERP. Good online visibility is the only way to sustain in the online business and without blogging it can’t be achieved. To increase the productivity of your blogging you can use word count online tool.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Tips for Improving Business and Technical Writing

When it comes to composing business and technical write-ups, it is important to respond directly to the requirements and interests of your readers. The following given tips and word count tool can help you to sharpen your writing skills and create meaningful write-ups.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Effective Process of Good Writing : Word Count Online

Stick to your main idea creates a sense when the main idea of the article is highlighted in the first paragraph. Make a short sentence while emphasizing ideas. Long sentence is good to explain and define the topic. Avoid to use passive forms. Active voice with dynamic verbs help to enhance the quality of the content. To deliver your thoughts and valuable information use some specific noun and verbs to keep your readers engage. Use character count and grammar tools to make the write-up capable for submission on different websites. While reviewing your write-ups, cut unnecessary words.

Thursday 4 August 2016

Outline for Effective Article : Word Count

An outline means a framework which presents the main and supporting ideas of your article. The first step is to select a topic. After deciding the motive of your article, you can set some guidelines and constraints about what type of information you can mention to make it appropriate. if you want to increase the value of your word count, you need to form a great outline first.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

The Role of Keyword Density in SEO

When article comes to Google, keyword density is generally seen that an article or web page which contains 3-5% of keywords get better ranking on search engine. Experts say that Google gives preference to such articles which sound natural. You can use the word count tool to check the keyword density.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Proofreading Enhances the Value of Word Count

Proof reading is one of the most important aspects of all write-ups. It allows you to find out errors which you have made while writing. Experts say that you can tackle this problem by getting someone to proofread your writing. One of the great ways to catch the mistakes is that using the word count tool.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Expert's Tips for Writing Tight Sentences

Writing sentences in a concise and clear manner is referred as tight sentences. Tight sentences make every word count meaningful. This helps you produce great articles.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Tips to Write a Perfect Article - Word Count Tool

A great article will only have a great impact, article writing is an effective way to generate traffic to your website or to share your ideas effectively to the online audience. Every article should have a clear introduction, a body where you elaborate on specific points and gradually a conclusion which helps the readers to get a feeling they completed a good read. So, word count tool is very helpful to write a perfect article.

Thursday 2 June 2016

How to Improve the Blog Productivity – Online Word Count

Blogging is a vital part of the online content marketing strategy which helps you to drive traffic to your website and thereby increases SEO/SERP. To increase the productivity of your blogging you can go for some tact’s like set goals, use character count goals etc.

Thursday 19 May 2016

Ideas to Make the Article Submission Successful – Online Word Count

A successful article submission enables you to create a number of back links which offers advertising, marketing and publicity to your website. For this, you need to write a quality and relevant content with proper word count which will give the best result in search engine ranking.

Monday 18 April 2016

Online Tools to Improve your Writing – Wordcount

Quality content is one of the integral part of most business. So, this can be done with the help of multiple tools like wordcount. A good writer takes help of these tool to make it a reference while writing a content.

Monday 21 March 2016

Online Tool to Count Word, Chracter and Letters - Online Word Count

Whenever you need to know the number of words in your article to meet word limit requirements of some article submission websites, word count online is an excellent word count tool to know the same.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Monday 15 February 2016

Best Online Word Count Tool for Free

Word count is an online word count, character count, letter count calculator tool. We just need to enter the text from web page, article, blog or paragraph and we will get the count of the text that we entered.

Monday 4 January 2016

How Does a Character Count Tool Help Bloggers to Create Impactful Blogs

When you start creating a blog, what you have is just an idea. You use beautiful words and add material to make it impressive for the readers as well as for Google. But would that be enough? The answer is definitely a big NO. Surprisingly, the character or letter count of your blog post is an important measure of where your content will rank in Google.
Google interprets your content and intelligently decides where to place it. Bloggers make a serious blunder when they write short length blog posts especially for SEO purpose. Short content fails to fetch you more views and comments. However, it becomes quite tricky as the length of your post will vary on where you want it to be shared and how many comments you wish to get.
There are numerous word count tools online to help you understand an optimum volume of keywords to be used. Google dislikes excessive use of words and can even spam your content. So, the use of important words must be wise. These online word count tools let you get an insight of how many times you have used a particular word and allows you use its synonyms to avoid overuse.
As a writer, you obviously have to be vigilant about your write-up. To get acceptance from publishers, you must write up to a length that impresses and provides value to the content. Just search the internet for websites who give instant results of the characters used by you with/without spaces. You get to know how much meaningful content you can create and determine your position on Google.