Wednesday 27 July 2016

The Role of Keyword Density in SEO

When article comes to Google, keyword density is generally seen that an article or web page which contains 3-5% of keywords get better ranking on search engine. Experts say that Google gives preference to such articles which sound natural. You can use the word count tool to check the keyword density.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Proofreading Enhances the Value of Word Count

Proof reading is one of the most important aspects of all write-ups. It allows you to find out errors which you have made while writing. Experts say that you can tackle this problem by getting someone to proofread your writing. One of the great ways to catch the mistakes is that using the word count tool.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Expert's Tips for Writing Tight Sentences

Writing sentences in a concise and clear manner is referred as tight sentences. Tight sentences make every word count meaningful. This helps you produce great articles.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Tips to Write a Perfect Article - Word Count Tool

A great article will only have a great impact, article writing is an effective way to generate traffic to your website or to share your ideas effectively to the online audience. Every article should have a clear introduction, a body where you elaborate on specific points and gradually a conclusion which helps the readers to get a feeling they completed a good read. So, word count tool is very helpful to write a perfect article.